If you find parts of your delivery missing, our customer service team is always here and happy to help.
We’re sorry to hear you may be having issues with your order, it goes without saying we’ll try and fix it the best way possible.
Firstly it’s worth pointing out that discovering an item missing from your delivery may not be a mistake. We do use multiple suppliers, so if you’ve ordered multiple items they may be delivered by different couriers or on different dates.
Each parcel will include a delivery note, detailing the items you can expect to find inside. Sometimes things are easy to miss, so if you do end up with several packages please check the delivery notes from each part of the order. It’s also a good idea to check the original order confirmation which may detail the different dates your order will arrive on.
You can get in contact with our friendly customer service team via phone or submit a request. Please have your order number and full details of what hasn't arrived ready so we can help you in the fastest and most efficient way possible.