If you’d like to remove items from your basket, just click on the basket icon and then select the little bin icon next to the item you'd like to take out.
We aim to make your shopping experience as smooth as possible! To remove items from your Homebase basket, simply click the basket icon in the top right corner of the website, then hit the button that says ‘View Basket’. After that, just click the small bin icon next to the item you wish to remove (as shown below).
If you want to add more of a particular item or reduce the quantity, head over to your basket and use the + or - buttons next to each item to adjust the amount. As you make changes, you'll see the item subtotal and the basket total update right away!
To add new items to your basket, simply open the product page and click the ‘Add to Delivery’ button. Some items may also offer a ‘Click and Collect’ option, letting you check stock at your local Homebase and place an order for collection for the next day.
Discover more about our click and collect service or choose items for home delivery on our website.